Supporting Memory Scholars at Risk – MSA Fellowship Program
Let’s make a difference together for memory scholars at risk!
The Memory Studies Association (MSA) is proud to offer a fellowship program that provides €8,000 to support memory scholars whose safety is at risk in their home countries. Through this initiative, the MSA is committed to helping scholars continue their important work in a secure and supportive environment.
The MSA Fellowship seeks institutions worldwide willing to collaborate by providing a temporary academic placement for these scholars, including matching funds or comparable in-kind support. Participating institutions can directly nominate a scholar known to them or consult with the MSA for guidance, as we actively track colleagues in need. The MSA is currently funding one fellowship, and thanks to the generous support of the Gerda Henkel Foundation, we are able to award three additional annual fellowships, as well as offer two travel grants for the annual conference.
Here you can read our former fellows stories.
If you’d like to support this program by donating or hosting a scholar through your institution, please click below for more details, or email us at For any additional questions, please reach out to Johanna Vollmeyer at
The MSA is a professional association for Memory Studies scholars, as well as those who are active in museums, memorial institutions, archives, the arts and other fields engaged in remembrance. The objective is to become the most important forum for the memory field – both through an annual, international and interdisciplinary conference and through a strong online presence.
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Why should you become a paying member of the Memory Studies Association? There are several tangible benefits to membership already available as well as in the works. These include:
- discount on books
- access to members-only materials, including job listings, discussion forums, career advice, teaching resources, reading recommendations and more!
- eligibility to participate in over a dozen MSA Working Groups and MSA regional groups
- participation in the MSA mentorship program, career development events, and methodology workshops
We are very happy to announce that the MSA has reached formal agreement with SAGE and the editors of Memory Studies. Henceforth, the journal will be published in association with the MSA. This means:
- All members of the MSA will receive free access to the Journal through a protected link on the MSA website
- The first issue each year will be a special issue edited by the MSA
- From 2019 there will be an annual SAGE Journal of Memory Studies Outstanding Book Award, presented at the MSA Annual Meeting, for first books authored/co-authored by MSA members
- The Association will award a prize for the best paper presented at the MSA Annual Meetings, with the author’s option to have the paper published in Memory Studies
But, as enticing as these tangible benefits are, the real reason to become a paying member of the Association is that you want it to exist. Like any professional association, the MSA will depend on the support and devotion of its members.
This internship will provide you with the unique opportunity to see how an organisation such as the MSA works behind the scenes. You will support the presidents and the executive committee in the everyday running of the association. This includes the preparation of the next annual conference, research into and preparation of funding applications, the compilation of annotated bibliographies, communication with our members, contribution to the website and the social media channels of the association etc.
Given that this is a young organization, you will have a lot of opportunities to contribute with your own ideas and will be able to work independently on various projects. This will allow you to a) get insights into the workings of a newly established non-profit association and to b) closely collaborate with scholars and practitioners in different countries.
If you are interested in applying, just send a letter of motivation and a CV to