The Memory Studies Association
What is Memory Studies?
How do we represent the past to ourselves and to others? Which of our many pasts do we represent, and when, where, and why do we change those representations? How do those representations shape our actions, identities, and understandings? How do individual-level processes interact with collective ones, and vice versa? What does it mean to think about “memory” in these broad ways? In what ways are we ethically and politically obligated to remember, and what are the consequences of meeting, or failing to meet, these obligations?
These and other questions, asked from a variety of disciplinary perspectives and with a variety of analytical tools, constitute the broad field of memory studies, which draws on traditional academic disciplines like psychology, sociology, history, political science, anthropology, archeology, philosophy, and literary studies, among others; on related interdisciplinary fields like museum studies, media studies, oral history, heritage studies, archive studies, and film studies; and on professional fields of practice from technology, the arts, and politics. The Memory Studies Association thus welcomes all scholars and practitioners interested in the ways we draw on, shape, and are shaped by the past.
What is the MSA?
The MSA is a professional association for Memory Studies scholars, as well as those who are active in museums, memorial institutions, archives, the arts and other fields engaged in remembrance. The objective is to become the most important forum for the memory field – both through an annual, international and interdisciplinary conference and through a strong online presence.
Memory studies has grown considerably over the past decade, but does not yet have many clearly designated venues for people from different disciplinary and professional backgrounds to exchange ideas and to learn from each others’ theoretical, methodological and empirical approaches. Moreover, questions surrounding remembering are being investigated around the world, but there is too little interaction (and thus, often a lack of understanding) between various places. We hope to change this by actively identifying and inviting scholars and practitioners who are thus far underrepresented in existing scholarly networks. Finally, the MSA seeks to foster politically and civically engaged scholarship by publicly voicing concerns about political uses of the past. Learn more about the MSA, see the organigram here and read the essay “The Memory Studies Association: Ambitions and an invitation”, co-authored by Aline Sierp, Jenny Wüstenberg and Jeffrey Olick, and published in Memory Studies, here.
The Memory Studies Association was launched symbolically at its inaugural conference in Amsterdam (3-5 December 2016), which was attended by around 200 scholars and practitioners from a wide range of disciplines. It was legally registered on June 26, 2017 in the Netherlands.
Read its by laws here.Translated by Lorena Ortiz Cabrero
O que é estudos de memória?
Como representamos o passado para nós mesmos e para os outros? Quais de nossos múltiplos passados representamos e quando, onde e como mudamos essas representações? Como essas representações influenciam nossas ações, identidades e entendimentos? Como os processos individuais interagem com os processos coletivos e vice-versa? O que significa pensar em “memória” em termos amplos? De quais maneiras éticas e políticas somos obrigados a lembrar, e quais são as consequências de cumprir (ou não) essas obrigações? Essas e outras questões, propostas a partir de uma ampla variedade de perspectivas disciplinares e por meio de várias ferramentas analíticas, constituem o extenso campo de estudos da memória. Esse campo é inspirado em disciplinas acadêmicas tradicionais, como psicologia, sociologia, história, ciências políticas, antropologia, arqueologia, filosofia, estudos literários, entre outros; além de campos interdisciplinares relacionados, como estudos em museus, comunicação, história oral, estudos de patrimônio cultural, arquivamento e cinema, ou em áreas profissionais mais aplicadas no mundo da tecnologia, artes e política. Com essa multidão de influências em mente, a Associação de Estudos da Memória convida e acolhe todos os tipos de acadêmicos e profissionais, cujo o ponto em comum é o interesse pelas diversas maneiras pelas quais usamos, moldamos e somos moldados a partir do passado.
O que é a Associação de Estudos da Memória (MSA)?
A MSA é uma associação profissional para acadêmicos e pesquisadores no campo dos estudos da memória, bem como para todos os associados a museus, institutos da memória, arquivos, artes e muitos outros campos relacionados à memória. O objetivo é tornar-se o fórum mais importante no campo da memória, por meio de conferências anuais, internacionais e interdisciplinares, e por meio de uma proeminente presença on-line.
O estudo da memória cresceu consideravelmente durante a última década, mas ainda faltam caminhos claramente designados para que os interessados, provenientes de diferentes disciplinas e campos profissionais, possam trocar idéias e aprender sobre métodos teóricos, metodológicos e empíricos de outros profissionais. Além disso, as complexidades de ‘lembrar’ estão sendo investigadas em todo o mundo, mas há pouca interação (e, portanto, pouco entendimento) entre as diferentes regiões e atores que estão preocupados por esses problemas. O MSA espera mudar essa realidade através da identificação e convite de estudosos e profissionais que, até agora, foram mantidos fora das redes acadêmicas existentes. Finalmente, o MSA busca favorecer, política e civicamente, a pesquisa acadêmica comprometida com a realidade atual, para a qual ecoará os problemas mais prementes com o uso político do passado.
Para saber mais sobre o MSA, visite o organograma da organização aqui e leia o artigo “The Memory Studies Association: Ambitions and an invitation”, co-escrito por Aline Sierp, Jenny Wüstenberg e Jeffrey Olick e publicado em Memory Studies, aqui.
A Associação de Estudos da Memória foi lançada simbolicamente em sua conferência inaugural em Amsterdã (3-5 de dezembro de 2016), que recebeu mais de 200 acadêmicos e profissionais de diferentes disciplinas. A associação foi legalmente registrada em 26 de junho de 2017 nos Países Baixos.
Torne-se um membro da Associação de Estudos da Memória!
Atenção-o registro e as páginas exclusivas para membros estão em inglês! Por que você deveria se tornar um membro pagante da Associação de Estudos da Memória? Há váriosbenefícios tangíveis para a associação já disponíveis,e outros que serão concretizados em breve.
Esses incluem:
-desconto em livros
-acesso as materiais exclusivos para membros, incluindo fóruns de discussão, listas de empregos, recursos deensino, orientação profissional, recomendações de leitura e muito mais!
-oferta de mais de uma dúzia de Grupos de Trabalho (MSA Working Groups) e Grupos Regionais (MSA Regional Groups)
-possibilidade de participar nos programas de orientação, eventos para desenvolvimento de carreira e seminários sobre metodologia. Estamos muito felizes em anunciar que a MSA chegou a um acordo formal com a SAGE e os editores da revista Memory Studies e, a partir de agora, a revista será publicada em associação com a MSA. Isso significaque:
-Todos os membros da MSA receberão acesso gratuito à revista por meio de um link protegido no site da MSA
-A primeira edição de cada ano será uma edição especial editada pela MSA
-A partir de 2019, haverá anualmente um Prêmio SAGE (SAGE Journal of Memory Studies Outstanding BookAward), apresentado na Reunião Anual da MSA, para os primeiros livros de autoria / co-autoria de membros da MSA
-A Associação premiará o melhor trabalho apresentado nas reuniões anuais da MSA, com a opção do autor de publicar o artigo na revista Memory Studies
Mas, por mais atraentes que sejam esses benefícios tangíveis, a verdadeira razão para se tornar um membro pagante da Associação é que você quer que ela exista. Como qualquer outra associação profissional, a MSA dependerá do apoio e devoção de seus membros
Afiliações Patrocinadas
A MSA pretende atrair uma diversidade de membros de todo o mundo e, portanto, incentiva ospedidos de afiliação patrocinada de acadêmicos e profissionais originários de países com salários baixos. As afiliações patrocinadas fornecem todos os privilégios de adesão sem custos para omembro patrocinado. Para se tornar um membro patrocinado, por favor envie-nos uma breve explicação dos seus motivos para se candidatar. A MSA também oferecerá subsídios de viagem para permitir que membros especialmente patrocinados e estudantes tenham a oportunidade departicipar das reuniões da MSA.
Afiliações de apoio
A fim de poder financiar afiliaçõespatrocinadas e subsídios de viagem, a MSA gostaria deencorajar acadêmicos e profissionais a considerar a possibilidade de ingressar na MSA comomembros de apoio na categoria de afiliação apropriada. Acadêmicos e profissionais com acesso afundos de pesquisa podem tornar-se benfeitores da MSA. Com sua permissão, a MSA gostaria depublicar os nomes de membros e benfeitores.
Afiliações para Estudantes/Graduados/Investigadores pós-doutoramento/Desempregados
Este é o patamar de afiliação para estudantes,investigadores queconcluiramseu curso de graduaçãoou pós-graduaçao, oupessoas queestão atualmente desempregado, edá acesso a todo o conteúdo daárea de membros
Afiliações para pessoas com experiência em pesquisa acadêmica ou profissional média
Este é o nível de afiliação para acadêmicos e profissionais de nível médio de carreira, que dáacesso a todo o conteúdo na área de membros
Afiliações para Acadêmico/Praticante sênior
Este é o nível de afiliação para acadêmicos e praticantes sênior, que dá acesso a todo o conteúdo na área de membros.
Benfeitor da MSA
Este é o nível de afiliação para benfeitores da MSA, que dá acesso a todo o conteúdo na área de membros e ajuda a apoiar as atividades da associação, incluindo afiliações patrocinadas, viagens estudantis e a viabilidade a longo prazo da associação.
Translated by Serguey Ehrlich
Ассоциация исследований памяти (MSA).
Что такое исследования памяти?
Как мы представляем прошлое для себя и для других? Какое из наших многих прошлых мы представляем? Когда, где и почему мы меняем эти представления? Каким образом эти представления формируют наши действия, идентичности и понимания? Каким образом индивидуальные процессы взаимодействуют с коллективными и наоборот? Что в таком широком понимании означает думать о «памяти»? Какими способами этика и политика обязывают нас вспоминать и каковы последствия состоявшегося или неудавшегося взаимодействия с этими обязательствами? Эти и другие вопросы, задаваемые с точки зрения различных дисциплин и аналитических инструментов, составляют широкое поле исследований памяти, которые привлекают такие традиционные академические дисциплины как психология, социология, история, политические науки, антропология, археология, философия, литературные исследования, и такие в основном междисциплинарные направления как музейные исследования, исследования медиа, устная история, исследования наследия, архивные исследования и исследования кино, и такие профессиональные сферы деятельности как технологии, искусство и политика. Таким образом Ассоциация исследования памяти приглашает всех ученых и практиков, заинтересованных в намеченных нами путях, которые формируют прошлое и формируются прошлым.
Что такое MSA?
MSA – это профессиональная ассоциация исследований памяти, которая объединяет исследователей, а также тех, работает в музеях, институциях памяти, архивах, искусстве и других сферах, связанных с памятью. Ассоциация преследует цель стать ведущим форумом в области памяти посредством как ежегодной международной и междисциплинарной конференции, а также усиленной онлайн активности. Исследования памяти заметно увеличились в последнее десятилетие, но до сих пор не возникло большого числа специальных мест, где представители разных дисциплин и различной профессиональной подготовки, могли бы обмениваться идеями и изучать теоретические, методологические и эмпирические подходы коллег. Вопросы, связанные с памятью, исследуются сейчас по всему миру, при этом значительный недостаток взаимодействия приводит часто к неполному пониманию между представителями различных регионов. Мы надеемся изменить эту ситуацию, активно выявляя и приглашая ученых и практиков, которые в недостаточной мере представлены в существующих научных сетях. MSA также стремится поддерживать исследования, имеющие политическое и гражданское значение, публично выражая озабоченность политическим использованием прошлого. Более полную информацию о MSA можно получить из размещенной ниже организационной схемы и эссе «Ассоциация исследований памяти: Честолюбивые замыслы и приглашение» (The Memory Studies Association: Ambitions and an invitation), написанного Алин Зирп (Aline Sierp), Дженни Вюстенберг (Jenny Wüstenberg) и Джеффри Оликом (Jeffrey Olick), которое было опубликовано в журнале «Исследования памяти» (Memory Studies) здесь. Символическое начало Международной ассоциации памяти было положено на учредительной конференции в Амстердаме (3-5 декабря 2016), на которой присутствовало около 200 исследователей и практиков, представителей различных дисциплин. Организация официально зарегистрирована 26 июня 2017 в Нидерландах.
Станьте членом Ассоциации исследователей памяти.
Почему Вам необходимо стать платным членом Ассоциации исследований памяти? Существует несколько ощутимых преимуществ для членства, часть из них уже доступна, часть находится в стадии разработки. В их числе:
– скидки на книги;
– доступ к материалам, предназначенным только членам MSA, включая списки рабочих вакансий, дискуссионные форумы, советы по успешной карьере, образовательные ресурсы, списки рекомендуемой литературы и т.д.
– участие в более чем дюжине рабочих и региональных групп MSA;
– участие в программах наставничества MSA, мероприятиях по развитию карьеры и методологических рабочих мастерских (workshops).
Мы счастливы объявить, что MSA заключила соглашение с издательством SAGE и редакцией журнала Memory Studies. Впредь журнал будет издаваться совместно с MSA. В связи с этим:
– все члены MSA получают свободный доступ к журналу с помощью защищенной ссылки на сайте MSA;
– первый выпуск каждого года будет редактироваться силами MSA;
– с 2019 учреждается ежегодная премия журнала Memory Studies (издательства SAGE) за лучшую книгу, прежде всего для книг, авторами (соавторами) которых являются члены MSA. Церемония награждения будет происходить в ходе ежегодных конференций MSA;
– ассоциация учреждает премию за лучший доклад, представленный на ежегодной конференции MSA. Автор получит право опубликовать свой доклад в журнале Memory Studies.
Как ни соблазнительны перечисленные осязаемые преимущества, главная причина стать платным членом Ассоциации, состоит в том, что вы заинтересованы в ее существовании. Как и другие профессиональные организации MSA зависит от поддержки и преданности ее членов.
Спонсируемое членство
MSA стремится привлечь участников со всего мира и поэтому она принимает заявки на спонсируемое ассоциацией членство от учёных и практиков из стран с низким уровнем зарплат. Спонсируемое членство предоставляет все права члена MSA без каких-либо выплат со стороны участника. Чтобы стать спонсируемым участником ассоциации, пожалуйста, напишите нам письмо по электронной почте с кратким обоснованием причин вашего обращения. MSA также собирается предоставлять дорожные гранты, прежде всего для спонсируемых членов и студентов, чтобы они могли присутствовать на конференциях MSA.
Поддерживающее членство
Для того, чтобы иметь возможность спонсировать дорожные гранты и бесплатное членство для учёных из бедных стран, MSA призывает ученых и практиков к тому, чтобы они вступали в Ассоциацию в качестве поддерживающих членов в одной из приемлемых для них категорий. Ученые и практики, имеющие доступ к научным фондам, имеют возможность стать благотворителями MSA. С вашего разрешения, MSA хотела бы публиковать имена поддерживающих членов и благотворителей
Студенты / Учёные на ранней стадии карьеры/Пост-доктора/Безработные члены
Этот уровень членства предназначен для студентов, учёных на ранней стадии карьеры, пост-докторов, безработных учёных и практиков. Он дает доступ ко всему содержанию разделов сайта, предназначенных для членов MSA.
Членство в ассоциации для учёных, находящихся в середине карьеры
Этот уровень членства предназначен для исследователей и практиков, находящихся в середине карьеры. Он дает доступ ко всему содержанию разделов сайта, предназначенных для членов MSA.
Старшие исследователи/практики
Этот уровень членства предназначен для старших исследователей и практиков. Он дает доступ ко всему содержанию разделов сайта, предназначенных для членов MSA.
Благотворители MSA
Этот уровень членства предназначен для благотворителей MSA. Он дает доступ ко всему содержанию разделов сайта, предназначенных для членов MSA, и помогает поддерживать деятельность Ассоциации, включая спонсорское членство, дорожные гранты, и долговременную жизнеспособность Ассоциации.
Wat is “Memory Studies”?
Hoe geven we ons verleden weer, en presenteren we het aan anderen? Welke van onze vele verledens representeren we, en wanneer, waar, en waarom veranderen we deze representaties? Hoe beïnvloeden deze representaties onze acties, identiteiten, en ons denken? Hoe werken individuele herinneringsprocessen in op collectieve, en vice versa? Wat betekent het om op zo’n brede manier over “memory” te denken? Op welke manieren zijn we ethisch en politiek gezien verplicht om te herinneren, en wat zijn de consequenties van het voldoen of falen te voldoen aan deze verplichtingen? Deze en andere vragen, gesteld vanuit diverse disciplinaire perspectieven en benaderd met een veelvoud aan analytische methoden, vormen het brede onderzoeksgebied van memory studies. Memory studies combineert inzichten uit traditionele academische disciplines zoals psychologie, sociologie, geschiedenis, antropologie, archeologie, filosofie, en literatuurstudies; uit gerelateerde interdisciplinaire onderzoeksgebieden zoals museumstudies, mediastudies, mondelinge geschiedenis, erfgoedstudies, archivistiek, en filmstudies; en uit verschillende professionele werkgebieden zoals de technologische sector, de kunsten, en de politiek. De Memory Studies Association heet dan ook ieder die – werkzaam in de academische wereld en/of in de praktijk – geïnteresseerd is in de manieren waarop we teruggrijpen op het verleden, het verleden vormgeven, en zelf gevormd worden door het verleden van harte welkom!
Wat is de MSA?
De MSA is een professionele organisatie voor academici actief in het onderzoeksgebied van memory studies, en professionals werkzaam in musea, herinneringscentra, archieven, de kunsten, en andere sectoren die zich bezig houden met herinneringen. De MSA heeft als doel het meest vooraanstaande forum voor memory studies te worden, onder andere door het organiseren van een jaarlijkse, internationale, en interdisciplinaire conferentie, en een sterke online aanwezigheid. Alhoewel memory studies als onderzoeksgebied over het afgelopen decennia sterk gegroeid is, zijn er nog maar weinig duidelijk aangewezen ontmoetingsplaatsen waar memory studies professionals met uiteenlopende disciplinaire- en beroepsachtergronden ideeën kunnen uitwisselen en van elkaars theoretische, methodologische, en empirische aanpak kunnen leren. Daarnaast wordt er wereldwijd onderzoek gedaan naar vragen omtrent herinneren en herdenken, maar is er helaas weinig interactie tussen verschillende onderzoekslocaties (wat ook vaak een gebrek aan wederzijds begrip voor elkaars werk tot gevolg heeft). We hopen hier verandering in te brengen door actief academici en andere professionals die, tot nu toe, niet of nauwelijks vertegenwoordigd worden in bestaande wetenschappelijke netwerken, te identificeren en te betrekken bij de MSA. Ten slotte zet de MSA zich in voor het bevorderen van politiek en maatschappelijk betrokken onderzoek, door publiekelijk het gebruik van het verleden voor politieke doeleinden kritisch te bezien. Leer meer over de MSA; bekijk het organigram hier, en lees het Engelstalige essay “The Memory Studies Association: Ambitions and an invitation”, geschreven door Aline Sierp, Jenny Wüstenberg, en Jeffrey Olick, hier. De Memory Studies Association is symbolisch opgericht tijdens de inaugurele conferentie in Amsterdam (3-5 december, 2016), in het bijzijn van ongeveer 200 academici en andere memory studies professionals met diverse, disciplinaire achtergronden. De MSA werd op 26 juni 2017 officieel geregistreerd [bij de Kamer van Koophandel] in Nederland.
Lees het ‘by laws’ hier.Word lid van de Memory Studies Association!
Waarom zou u een betalend lid van de Memory Studies Association worden? Een MSA-lidmaatschap heeft nu al veel voordelen, en daar komen er alleen nog maar bij! Op dit moment krijg je als MSA-lid al:
- Korting op boeken;
- Toegang tot materiaal exclusief voor MSA-leden, zoals een vacatureoverzicht, discussiefora, loopbaanadvies, lesmateriaal, literatuuraanbevelingen, en meer!
- De mogelijkheid om deel te nemen aan meer dan een dozijn MSA regionale en internationale werkgroepen;
- Deelname aan het MSA-mentorschapsprogramma, carrière evenementen, en methodologie workshops.
Daarnaast kondigen we met veel plezier aan dat de MSA een officiële overeenkomst met SAGE en de redactie van Memory Studies heeft gesloten. Voortaan wordt de publicatie in samenwerking met de Memory Studies Association gepubliceerd. Dit betekent dat:
- alle MSA-leden gratis toegang krijgen tot het magazine middels een beveiligde link op de MSA website;
- Elk eerste issue van het jaar wordt een speciale editie, geredigeerd door de MSA;
- Vanaf 2019 wordt er jaarlijks de “SAGE Journal of Memory Studies Outstanding Book Award” vergeven, voor eerste boeken (mee)geschreven door MSA-leden;
- Als onderdeel van de prijs voor het beste paper gepresenteerd tijdens de jaarlijkse MSA conferentie, wordt de auteur van het winnende paper de mogelijkheid geboden om het werk in Memory Studies te publiceren.
Echter, hoe verleidelijk de voordelen van een MSA-lidmaatschap op zichzelf al zijn, is de belangrijkste reden om een betalend MSA-lid te worden natuurlijk dat je wilt dat de organisatie (voort)bestaat. Zoals elke andere professionele organisatie is de MSA afhankelijk van de ondersteuning en toewijding van haar leden.
Gesponsorde Lidmaatschappen
De MSA streeft ernaar een divers ledental van over de hele wereld aan te trekken, en nodigt daarom academici en andere memory studies professionals uit lageloonlanden uit te solliciteren naar gesponsorde lidmaatschappen. Gesponsorde lidmaatschappen hebben exact dezelfde voordelen als een betaald MSA-lidmaatschap, maar dan zonder kosten voor het gesponsorde lid. Wilt u een gesponsord lid worden, en denkt je dat u in aanmerking komt voor deze mogelijkheid? Stuur ons dan een e-mail waarin u kort uw redenen om naar een gesponsord lidmaatschap te solliciteren uiteenzet. De MSA biedt ook reisbeurzen aan om voornamelijk gesponsorde leden en studenten leden de mogelijkheid te bieden om MSA conferenties bij te wonen.
Om gesponsorde lidmaatschappen en reisbeurzen te financieren, moedigt de MSA academici en andere memory studies professionals aan om ondersteunend (donor) lid van de MSA te worden, in de op hen toepasbare lidmaatschapscategorie. Academici en andere memory studies professionals met toegang tot onderzoeksfinanciering kunnen overwegen een MSA benefactor te worden. Met uw toestemming publiceert de MSA de namen van ondersteunende MSA-leden en benefactors.
Student/PhD/Postdoc/Werkeloos lidmaatschap
Dit is het lidmaatschap voor Studenten, PhD’ers, Postdocs, en werkeloze academici en memory studies professionals, dat toegang geeft tot al het materiaal in het ledengedeelte van de website, en alle andere voordelen van een MSA-lidmaatschap.
Mid-career academici en memory studies professionals
Dit is het lidmaatschap voor mid-career academici en memory studies professionals, dat toegang geeft tot al het materiaal in het ledengedeelte van de website, en alle andere voordelen van een MSA-lidmaatschap
Gevorderde academici en memory studies professionals
Dit is het lidmaatschap voor gevorderde academici en memory studies professionals, dat toegang geeft tot al het materiaal in het ledengedeelte van de website, en alle andere voordelen van een MSA-lidmaatschap.
MSA Benefactor
Dit is het lidmaatschap voor MSA benefactors, dat toegang geeft tot al het materiaal in het ledengedeelte van de website, en alle andere voordelen van een MSA-lidmaatschap. Met dit lidmaatschap ondersteunt u de activiteiten van de MSA, waaronder gesponsorde lidmaatschappen, reisbeurzen, en helpt u het bestaan van de MSA te garanderen.
Translated by Licheng QIAN
记忆研究在过去的十年里取得了长足的发展,但到目前为止,这个领域还缺乏充分且明确的交流渠道以供不同学科、不同职业背景的同仁们交流思想或从各自的理论、方法、和经验取向中互相学习。与此同时,尽管世界各地都在探究有关记忆的各种问题,但各个地区之间的交流互动还十分有限,这也造成了地区之间的缺乏理解。因此,我们希望通过邀请在目前学术网络中尚未被充分代表的记忆研究学者和相关专业人士来积极参与并改变目前这一现状。最后,记忆研究协会呼吁公众对过去的政治有更多的关注并由此促进一种积极参与公众生活的学术品性。如果您想对记忆研究协会有更多的了解,欢迎在这里查看组织图并阅读Aline Sierp, Jenny Wüstenberg 和 Jeffrey Olick发表在《记忆研究》杂志(Memory Studies)上的《记忆研究协会:志愿与邀请》(“The Memory Studies Association: Ambitions and an invitation”)一文。记忆研究协会第一届年会于2016年12月3-5日在阿姆斯特丹举行,来自各学科的200多位学者和记忆从业者参加了这次大会;这也标志了记忆研究协会的正式成立。在法律上,记忆研究协会于2017年6月26日在荷兰正式进行了登记注册。
- 购买书籍可享价格折扣
- 可获得仅对会员开放的相关资源,如工作机会、讨论版、职业发展建议、教学资源、阅读书单推荐等内容
- 可参加记忆研究协会中的各议题讨论组(Working Groups)和地区性研究小组
- 可参加记忆研究协会的学术指导项目(mentorship program)、职业发展活动和方法论工作坊
此外,我们非常高兴地宣布记忆研究协会已经与SAGE出版社和《记忆研究》(Memory Studies)杂志达成正式协议;《记忆研究》杂志将成为协会的合作期刊。这意味着:
- 所有协会的会员可以通过协会网站免费获取《记忆研究》杂志的文章和资源
- 杂志每年的第一期将会作为特刊(special issue)由记忆研究协会编辑
- 自2019年开始,我们将设立年度SAGE Journal of Memory Studies Outstanding Book Award奖项,用以奖励由协会成员所著或合著的第一本著作,并将在记忆研究协会年会上颁发奖项
- 协会还将评选年度会议最佳论文,论文获奖者可选择由《记忆研究》杂志发表其论文
受资助会员(Sponsored Memberships)
记忆研究协会(MSA)欢迎来自世界各地的不同学者和和记忆相关从业者加入协会。因此我们欢迎并邀请来自低收入国家的学者和相关从业者申请成为我们的“受资助会员”。受资助会员将免费享有所有的会员福利。如果您想申请成为受资助会员,请发送电子邮件给我们并简要说明您的申请原因。记忆研究协会也将为部分受资助会员和学生会员提供参加协会年会的旅行补贴(travel grants)。
支持性会员(Sustaining Memberships)
毕业生/学生/博士后/未就业会员(Graduate/Student/Post-Doc/Unemployed Member)
事业中期会员(Mid Career Member)
资深学者/专业人士(Senior Scholar/Practitioner)
协会捐助者(MSA Benefactor)
Translated by Eriko Yamasaki
Memory Studies Association(記憶学会)
記憶研究の分野は、ここ10年間で目覚ましい成長を遂げました。しかし、様々な学問領域や職業の背景を持つ人々が交流し、お互いの理論、方法論 そして実証的なアプローチを学び合う具体的な場を欠いているのが現状です。また、記憶に関するテーマは世界中で研究が行われていますが、地域間の交流、そして理解が十分とは言えない状況にあります。記憶学会は、従来の学術ネットワークの枠組みを越えて、積極的に記憶に携わる研究者や実践者を特定し、招待することにより、そういった現状をを改善することを望んでいます。そして、最後に、記憶学会は、公に、「過去」の政治的利用についての懸念を表明することにより、政治的、市民的責任を担う研究の促進を図ります。MSAについてもっと知ろう。組織図を見るためにはこちらをクッリクしてください。Memory Studies に出版されたAline Sierp, Jenny Wüstenberg, Jeffrey Olick共著のエッセイ「The Memory Studies Association: Ambitions and an invitation」を読むためにはこちらをクリックしてください。
Memory Studies Association(記憶学会)は、2016年12月3日から5日にかけて約200人の様々な学問領域からの研究者及び実践者の参加の下、アムステルダムにて開催されました第1回大会において、設立され、2017年6月26日にオランダで、公式に登記されました。
- 書籍の割引
- 求人情報、討論フォーラム、キャリアアドバイス、教材、図書推薦など会員限定のコンテンツへのアクセス
- 12以上存在するMSAワーキンググループそして地域グループへの参加資格
- MSAメンター制度プログラム、キャリアイベント及び方法論ワークショップへの参加
更に、本会は、SAGE出版社、そして学術誌「Memory Studies」の編集者と提携を結ぶことに成功しました。よって、学術誌「Memory Studies」は今後、本会との提携のもとで出版されます。本会の会員の皆様には次のようなメリットがあります。
- 会員の皆様は、本会のウェブサイトから、保護されたリンクを通して、学術誌「Memory Studies」に無料でアクセスすることができます。
- 毎年、第1号は本会により編集される特別号となります。
- 2019年から、SAGE学術誌「Memory Studies」優秀図書賞を設立し、会員の優れた初著書(共著を含む)を毎年の年次大会で、表彰します。
- 本会は、年次大会における優れた研究発表を表彰し、受賞者は学術誌「Memory Studies」に論文を発表することができます。
Sponsored Memberships(スポンサード会員)
Sustaining Memberships(賛助会員)
Graduate/Student/Post-Doc/Unemployed Member(若手会員)
Mid Career Member(中堅会員)
Senior Scholar/Practitioner(ベテラン会員)
MSA Benefactor(記憶学会後援者)
Translated by Sven Milekić
Što su studije sjećanja?
Kako prezentiramo prošlost sebi i drugima? Koju našu prošlost prezentiramo, i kada, gdje i zašto mijenjamo te reprezentacije? Kako ti prikazi oblikuju naše djelovanje, identitet i razumijevanje? Kako procesi na razini pojedinca komuniciraju s kolektivnim procesima i obrnuto? Što znači razmišljati o “sjećanju” iz ove široke perspektive? Na koje smo načine etički i politički obvezani prisjećati se i kakve su posljedice ispunjavanja ili nepoštivanja tih obveza?
Ova i druga pitanja koja se postavljaju iz različitih disciplinarnih perspektiva i s različitim analitičkim alatima čine široko polje studija sjećanja, koje se zasniva na tradicionalnim akademskim disciplinama poput psihologije, sociologije, povijesti, politologije, antropologije, arheologije, filozofije, itd. te književnih studija, među ostalim; o srodnim interdisciplinarnim poljima poput muzejskih studija, medijskih studija, usmene povijesti, studija kulturne baštine, arhivskih studija i filmskih studija; i na profesionalnim poljima prakse iz tehnologije, umjetnosti i politike. Udruženje za studije sjećanja stoga pozdravlja sve znanstvenike i praktičare zainteresirane za načine na koje iscrtavamo i oblikujemo prošlost, koja i oblikuje nas.
Što je MSA?
The Memory Studies Association (Udruženje za studije sjećanja), MSA, je simbolički pokrenuta na inauguralnoj konferenciji u Amsterdamu (3-5. decembra 2016.). Udruženje je pravno registrirano 26. juna 2017. Cilj MSA je djelovati kao profesionalno udruženje za znanstvenike koji se bave studijama sjećanja, kao i one koji djeluju u muzejima, memorijalnim ustanovama, arhivima, umjetnosti i drugim područjima koja se bave sjećanjem. Cilj je postati najvažniji forum za polje studija sjećanja – kroz godišnju, međunarodnu i interdisciplinarnu konferenciju i kroz snažnu prisutnost na Internetu.
Tijekom proteklog desetljeća, studije sjećanja znatno su porasle, ali još uvijek ne postoji mnogo jasno definiranih platformi za ljude iz različitih disciplina i profesija, gdje bi razmjenjivali ideje i jedni od drugih učili o teorijskim, metodološkim i empirijskim pristupima. Osim toga, tematika sjećanja se istražuje diljem svijeta, ali postoji premalo interakcija (i, posljedično, manjak razumijevanja) između različitih regija. Nadamo se kako će se ovo promijeniti aktivnim identificiranjem i pozivanjem znanstvenika i praktičara koji su do sada bili podzastupljeni u postojećim znanstvenim mrežama. Konačno, MSA nastoji poticati politički i aktivistički angažirana istraživanja putem javnog izražavanja zabrinutosti zbog političke upotrebe prošlosti. Saznajte više o MSA, pogledajte organigram ovdje i pročitajte esej „Udruga za proučavanje pamćenja: ambicije i pozivnica“, čiji su koautori Aline Sierp, Jenny Wüstenberg i Jeffrey Olick, koji je objavljen u časopisu Memory Studies, ovdje.
Kao platform, Udruženje za studije sjećanja je simbolički osnovano na inauguracijskoj konferenciji u Amsterdamu (3-5. decembra 2016), na kojoj je sudjelovalo oko 200 znanstvenika i praktičara iz širokog raspona disciplina. MSA je pravno registrirano 26. Juna 2017 u Nizozemskoj.
Postanite članom Udruženja za studije sjećanja!
Zašto bi trebao postati član Udruženja za studije sjećanja s obveznom članarinom? Već je dostupno nekoliko opipljivih prednosti za članstvo, kao i onih koje su u planu. To uključuje:
- popust na knjige
- pristup materijalima rezerviranim samo za članove, uključujući oglase za radna mjesta, forume za raspravu, savjete za razvoj karijere, sredstva za nastavu, preporuke za čitanje i još mnogo toga!
- podobnost za sudjelovanje u više od desetak radnih skupina i regionalnih grupa MSA-a
- sudjelovanje u mentorskom programu MSA, događaji za razvoj karijere i radionice o metodologiji
Sa zadovoljstvom objavljujemo da je MSA postiglo formalni dogovor sa izdavačem SAGE-om i urednicima Memory Studies. Od sada će časopis biti objavljen u suradnji s MSA-om. To znači:
- Svi članovi MSA dobit će besplatan pristup časopisu preko zaštićene veze na internet stranici MSA-a
- Prvo izdanje svake godine bit će posebno izdanje koje uređuje MSA
- Od 2019. godine na godišnjem sastanku MSA dodijelit će se godišnja SAGE Journal of Memory Studies izvanredna nagrada za prve knjige čiji su autori / koautori članovi MSA
- Udruga će dodijeliti nagradu za najbolji rad predstavljen na godišnjim sastancima MSA, s autorovom opcijom da članak bude objavljen u Memory Studies
Sponzorirano članstvo
MSA želi privući raznoliko članstvo iz cijelog svijeta i zato primamo prijave za sponzorirano članstvo od strane znanstvenika i praktičara iz državas nižim prosječnim plaćama.Sponzorirano članstvo pruža sve privilegije članstva bez ikakvih troškova sponzoriranom članu.Kako biste postali sponzorirani član, pošaljite nam kratko objašnjenje razloga za prijavu. MSA će također ponuditi poticajne potpore kako bi se posebno sponzoriranim članovima i studentima-članovima omogućilo sudjelovanje na sastancima MSA-a
Održavanje članstva
Kako bi ste mogli financirati sponzorirano članstvo i potpore, MSA želi potaknuti znanstvenike i praktičare da razmotre članstvo u MSA-u kao stalni članovi u za njih odgovarajućoj kategoriji članstva. Znanstvenici i praktičari koji imaju pristup istraživačkim sredstvima mogli bi razmotriti mogućnost da postanu MSA dobročinitelji. Uz vaše dopuštenje, MSA želi objaviti imena stalnih članova i članova-dobročinitelja.
Diplomski / poslijediplomski / student / poslijedoktorski / nezaposleni član
Ovo je članstvo rezervirano za sveučilišne studente na diplomskoj, poslijediplomskoj i poslijedoktorskoj razini, kao i za nezaposlene znanstvenike i praktičare, koje vam omogućava pristup svim sadržajima na raspolaganju članovima
Članstvo za iskusne članove
Ovo je članstvo rezervirano za iskusne znanstvenike i praktičare, koje vam omogućava pristup svim sadržajima na raspolaganju članovima.
Znanstvenik/praktičar senior
Ovo je članstvo rezervirano za starije znanstvenike i praktičare, koje vam omogućava pristup svim sadržajima na raspolaganju članovima.
MSA dobročinitelj
Ovo je članstvo rezervirano za MSA dobročinitelje, koje vam omogućava pristup svim sadržajima na raspolaganju članovima i pomaže u podržavanju aktivnosti Udruženja, uključujući sponzorirano članstvo, putovanja za studente i dugoročnu održivost Udruženja
Translated by Lorena Ortiz Cabrero
La Asociación de Estudios de la Memoria
What is Memory Studies?
¿Cómo representamos el pasado para nosotros mismos y los demás? ¿Cuál de nuestros múltiples pasados representamos, y cuándo, dónde y cómo cambiamos esas representaciones? ¿Cómo influyen esas representaciones en nuestras acciones, identidades y entendimientos? ¿Cómo interaccionan los procesos a nivel individual con los procesos colectivos, y viceversa? ¿Qué significa pensar en “memoria”, en estos términos tan amplios? ¿De qué maneras, éticas y políticas, estamos obligados a recordar, y cuáles son las consecuencias de cumplir (o no) con estas obligaciones? Éstas y otras preguntas, propuestas desde una gran variedad de perspectivas disciplinares y mediante diversas herramientas analíticas, constituyen el extenso campo de los estudios de la memoria. Este campo se inspira en disciplinas académicas tradicionales como la psicología, sociología, historia, ciencias políticas, antropología, arqueología, filosofía y estudios literarios, entre otras, así como en campos interdisciplinarios relacionados, como son los estudios de museos, comunicación, historia oral, estudios de patrimonio cultural, archivística, y estudios cinematográficos, o en campos profesionales más aplicados del mundo de la tecnología, las artes, y la política. Teniendo esta multitud de influencias en mente, la Asociación de Estudios de la Memoria invita y acoge a todo tipo de académicos y profesionales, cuyo punto en común es su interés en las diferentes maneras en que utilizamos, moldeamos y somos moldeados por el pasado.
¿Qué es la Asociación de Estudios de la Memoria (MSA)?
La MSA es una asociación profesional para académicos e investigadores en el campo de los estudios de la memoria, así como para todos aquellos asociados con museos, instituciones conmemorativas, archivos, las artes y muchos otros campos relacionados con la memoria. El objetivo es convertirnos en el foro más importante dentro del campo de la memoria, tanto a través de las conferencias anuales, internacionales e interdisciplinarias, como a través de una presencia online consistente.
El estudio de la memoria ha crecido considerablemente durante la última década, pero aún carece de vías claramente designadas para que los interesados, que vienen de diferentes disciplinas y campos profesionales, puedan intercambiar ideas y aprender de los métodos teóricos, metodológicos y empíricos de los demás. Además, las complejidades del ‘recordar’ están siendo investigadas en todo el mundo, pero hay poca interacción (y, por tanto, poco entendimiento) entre las diferentes regiones y actores a los que les preocupan estas cuestiones. La MSA espera cambiar esta realidad mediante la identificación e invitación de académicos y profesionales que han sido, hasta ahora, mantenidos al margen de las redes académicas ya existentes. Por último, la MSA busca favorecer, política y cívicamente, investigaciones académicas comprometidas con la realidad actual, para lo cual se hará eco de los problemas más acuciantes con el uso político del pasado.
Para saber más sobre la MSA, visita el organigrama de la asociación aquí , y lee el artículo “The Memory Studies Association: Ambitions and an invitation”, co-escrito por Aline Sierp, Jenny Wüstenberg and Jeffrey Olick y publicado en Memory Studies, aquí.
La Asociación de Estudios de la Memoria inició su andadura en la conferencia inaugural celebrada en Ámsterdam del 3 al 5 de diciembre de 2016, la cual acogió más de 200 académicos y profesionales de diferentes disciplinas. La asociación fue legalmente registrada el 26 de junio de 2017 en los Países Bajos.
Unirse a la MSA
¿Por qué convertirse en miembro de la MSA? Hay varios beneficios tangibles ya disponibles, y otros que se concretarán próximamente. Las ventajas ya incluyen:
– descuentos en libros
– acceso a materiales y páginas web sólo para miembros, con foros de discusión, anuncios de trabajos disponibles, materiales didácticos, orientación para quienes inician su carrera, recomendaciones de lectura, ¡y más!
– oferta de más de una docena de Grupos de Trabajo (MSA Working Groups) and Grupos Regionales (MSA Regional Groups).
– posibilidad de participar en programas de orientación con mentores, eventos para el desarrollo de la carrera profesional, y seminarios sobre metodología
Tenemos el placer de anunciar que la MSA ha firmado un acuerdo con SAGE y los editores de Memory Studies y, de ahora en adelante, la revista se publicará en colaboración conjunta con la MSA. Esto significa que:
– Los miembros de la MSA tendrán acceso libre a la revista a través de un link protegido en la página web de la MSA
– El primer número de cada año será un número especial editado por la MSA
– A partir de 2019 habrá un premio especial para el mejor primer libro de un miembro de la MSA (en autoría o co-autoría). Este premio, denominado SAGE Journal of Memory Studies Outstanding Book Award, será presentado cada año en la conferencia anual de la MSA
– La Asociación premiará el mejor artículo presentado en la conferencia anual de la MSA, y ofrecerá a su autor o autora la opción de publicarlo en Memory Studies
Pero, por tentadores que sean estos beneficios, la verdadera razón por la que merece la pena pagar para convertirse en miembro completo de la MSA es que ¡tú quieres que exista! Al igual que cualquier asociación profesional, la MSA dependerá del apoyo y dedicación de sus integrantes.
Subscripciones patrocinadas
La MSA quiere atraer integrantes de todo el mundo y por tanto invita a investigadoras, investigadores y otras personas interesadas que trabajen en países de bajos ingresos a solicitar una subscripción patrocinada. Ésta ofrece todos los privilegios de la subscripción tradicional, pero sin ningún coste para la persona patrocinada. Para conseguir esta afiliación, envía un correo electrónico explicando brevemente las razones de tu solicitud. La MSA también ofrecerá becas para cubrir los gastos de viaje y participación en las conferencias anuales tanto de personas con subscripción patrocinada como de estudiantes que requieran apoyo para asistir a los eventos.
Subscripciones de apoyo
Con el fin de poder patrocinar subscripciones y becas de viaje para quienes lo necesitan, la MSA anima a considerar este tipo de afiliación, en la categoría que mejor se adapte a cada persona. Académicos o profesionales con acceso a fondos de investigación u otros recursos pueden optar por ser benefactor o benefactora de la MSA. La MSA publicará los nombres de sus integrantes de apoyo y benefactores, si así lo permiten.
Subscripciones para Estudiantes/Graduados/Investigadores posdoctorales/Desempleados
Esta categoría es para estudiantes, investigadores que han acabado su grado o posgrado, o quienes están ahora mismo desemplados. Ofrece acceso a todo el contenido del área reservada para miembros de la MSA.
Subscripciones para personas con experiencia investigadora o profesional media
Esta categoría es para personas con experiencia profesional media. Ofrece acceso a todo el contenido del área reservada para miembros de la MSA.
Subscripciones para investigadoras, investigadores o profesionales senior
Esta categoría es para investigadoras, investigadores o profesionales senior. Ofrece acceso a todo el contenido del área reservada para miembros de la MSA.
Benefactor o benefactora de la MSA
Esta categoría es para los benefactores de la MSA, y ofrece acceso a todo el contenido del área reservada para miembros de la MSA. Este tipo de subscrición ayuda a financiar las actividades de la Asociación, incluyendo el patrocinio de otros miembros, los viajes para estudiantes o profesionales de bajos ingresos, así como la viabilidad a largo plazo de la MSA.
Translated by Daniela Zanini
Che cos’è la MSA?
L’associazione degli studi sulla memoria(MSA) è stata simbolicamente lanciata durante lasua conferenza inaugurale ad Amsterdam (3-5 dicembre2016). Èstata legalmenteregistrata il 26 luglio 2017. La MSA mira ad essere l’associazione professionaleper glistudiosinel campo dellamemoria (Memory Studies) e per coloro attivi in musei, archivi, istituzioni culturali e progetti artistici aventi a che fare con il tema del ricordo. L’obiettivo èquello di diventare il forum più importante nel campo di studi sullamemoria–siaattraverso una conferenza interdisciplinare ed internazionalea cadenza annuale,siatramite una forte presenza online. Il campo di studi sulla memoria è cresciuto notevolmente nel corso dell’ultimo decennio,ma non esistono algiorno d’oggi ancora molti luoghi di incontroperindividuiprovenienti dadifferenti ambiti disciplinari e professionalinei qualipoter scambiare idee e imparare daglialtrui approcci teoretici, metodologici ed empirici.In aggiunta,idibattitisullamemoria sonoal centro di investigazioni in tutto il mondo, ma c’è ancora poco interazione (e quindispesso una mancanza di mutua comprensione) tra i diversi ambiti. Ci proponiamo dicambiare questo anche identificando e invitando studiosi e professionisti pocorappresentati all’interno degli esistenti circoli accademici. Infine, la MSA aspira apromuovere studiimpegnati politicamente e civilmente, dando voce pubblicamente aquestioni riguardanti gliusi politici del passato. Ora è il momento di diventare membro della MSA
Become a member of the Memory Studies Association / Diventa membro della Memory Studies Association
Perché diventare un membro della MSA?
Ci sono una serie di vantaggi, alcuni già in effetto ed altri che saranno introdotti a breve. Questi includono:
– biglietti scontati per gli eventi annuali;
– sconti sui libri;
– accesso a materiali disponibili esclusivamente per i membri, ad una sezione con
offerte di lavoro, ai forum di discussione, servizi di consulenza professionale, risorse per l’insegnamento, suggerimenti bibliografici e molto altro!
Siamo felici di annunciare che la MSA ha raggiunto un accordo con la casa editrice SAGE e con gli editori della rivista accademica Memory Studies. D’ora in poi, la rivista verrà pubblicata in associazione con la MSA. Ciò significa che:
– tutti i membri della MSA avranno accesso libero alla rivista attraverso un link protetto presente sul sito della MSA;- a partire da febbraio 2019, la rivista avrà periodicità bimestrale con sei uscite l’anno; – la prima uscita di ogni anno sarà un’uscita speciale edita dalla MSA;
– a partire dal 2018, verrà assegnato ogni anno il premio ‘SAGE Journal of Memory Studies Outstanding Book Award’, presentato all’incontro annuale della MSA, per i primi libri i cui autori o co-autori sono membri della MSA;
– l’associazione assegnerà un premo per il miglior intervento alla conferenza annuale della MSA, con la possibilità per l’autore di avere il proprio saggio pubblicato nella rivista Memory Studies.
Per quanto allettanti possano sembrare questi vantaggi, la vera ragione per diventare membro della MSA è la volontà che questa esista! Come in ogni associazione professionale, la MSA dipende dal supporto e dall’impegno dei suoi membri. Qui sotto sono elencate le diverse tipologie di iscrizione:
Iscrizione sponsorizzata
La MSA mira ad attirare membri da tutto il mondo e per questo invita domande per iscrizione sponsorizzata (‘sponsored membership’) da parte di studiosi e professionisti provenienti da paesi a basso reddito. L’iscrizione sponsorizzata permette di ottenere tutti i privilegi della normale iscrizione senza alcun costo per il membro sponsorizzato. Per diventare un membro sponsorizzato è necessario inviare una mail con elencando brevemente le motivazioni della domanda. La MSA offrirà anche borse di studio per permettere a membri sponsorizzati e studenti di partecipare agli incontri della MSA.
Iscrizione come membro sostenitore
Al fine di finanziare le iscrizioni sponsorizzate e le borse di studio, la MSA incoraggia studiosi e professionisti ad iscriversi come membro sostenitore (‘sustaining member’) nella categoria di iscrizione relativa alla loro posizione. Studiosi e professionisti aventi accesso a fondi di ricerca possono diventare benefattori della MSA (‘benefactor’). Con il loro permesso, la MSA pubblicherà i nomi dei membri sostenitori e dei benefattori.
Se desideri donare ulteriormente, puoi farlo aggiungendo una donazione al momento del pagamento della tassa di iscrizione.
Studente / Ricercatore / Membro a basso reddito
Questa è il tipo di iscrizione per studenti, giovani ricercatori, studiosi e professionisti a basso reddito, la quale consente l’accesso completo all’area riservata ai membri. Il prezzo è di € 25,00. L’iscrizione scade dopo un anno.
Studente/ Ricercatore / Membro a basso reddito – sostenitore
Questo è il tipo di iscrizione per studenti, govani ricercatori, studiosi e professionisti a basso reddito che consente l’accesso completo all’area riservata ai membri. In aggiunta aiuta a sostenere le attività dell’associazione come le iscrizioni sponsorizzate e le borse di studio per studenti, consentendo la lunga durata dell’associazione.
Membro – carriera stadio intermedio
Questo è il tipo di iscrizione per studiosi e professionisti che hanno raggiunto uno stadio intermedio nella loro carriera, il quale offre l’accesso completo ai contenuti dell’area riservata ai membri.
Membro sostenitore – carriera stadio intermedio
Questo è il tipo di iscrizione per studiosi e professionisti che intendono sostenere la MSA e hanno raggiunto uno stadio intermedio nella loro carriera. L’iscrizione offre l’accesso completo al contenuto dell’area riservata ai membri e aiuta a sostenere le attività dell’associazione come le iscrizioni sponsorizzate e le borse di studio, consentendo la lunga durata dell’associazione.
Studioso o professionista senior
Questo è il tipo di iscrizione per gli studiosi e i professionisti a livello senior, il quale offre accesso completo ai contenuti dell’area riservata ai membri.
Studioso o professionista senior – sostenitore
Questo è il tipo di iscrizione per studiosi e professionisti senior che intendono sostenere la MSA e hanno raggiunto uno stadio avanzato nella loro carriera. L’iscrizione offre accesso completo ai contenuti dell’area riservata ai membri e aiuta a sostenere le attività dell’associazione come le iscrizioni sponsorizzate e le borse di studio, consentendo la lunga durata dell’associazione.
Benefattore della MSA
Questo è il tipo di iscrizione per i benefattori della MSA. L’iscrizione offre accesso completo ai contenuti dell’area riservata ai membri e aiuta a sostenere le attività dell’associazione come le iscrizioni sponsorizzate e le borse di studio, consentendo la lunga durata dell’associazione.
Translated by Maija Spurina PhD with help from Igors Gubenko, PhD
Kas ir ASA?
Atmiņas StudijuAsociācija(turpmākASA, angliski MSA–Memory Studies Association)simboliskitika izveidota konferencē Amsterdamā, 2016.gada 3.-5.decembrī. Juridiski tā tikareģistrēta 2017.gada 26.jūnijā. ASA tiecas apvienot profesionāļus, kas nodarbojas aratmiņas pētniecību,kā arī tos, kas saistīti un aktīvi darbojas citās ar piemiņu un atmiņusaistītās jomāsun organizācijās–muzejos, memoriālās organizācijās, arhīvos,mākslasiestādēsu.c. Asociācijas mērķis ir kļūt par būtiskāko diskusiju platformu atmiņas studijulaukā, gan organizējot ikgadējas starptautiskas starpdisciplināras konferences, gan aktīvidarbojoties interneta vidē.Atmiņaspētniecībair būtiski attīstījusies pēdējo desmit gadu laikā, bet vēl joprojām ir mazskaidri nozīmētu vietņu un formu,kas atvēlētas ideju,teorētiskās, metodoloģiskās unempīriskās pieredzesapmaiņai starpdažāduar atmiņas pētniecību saistītuakadēmiskonozaru un profesiju pārstāvjiem. Vēl jo vairāk,atceres procesitiek pētītivisā pasaulē, betsaskarsme starp pētniekiem no ģeogrāfiski dažādām atmiņu pētniecības vietām ir ļoti neliela(un bieži tai raksturīgs savstarpējās izpratnes trūkums). Mēs ceram šo trūkumu labot, aktīvimeklējot un uzrunājot pētniekus un praktiķus, kuri līdz šim bijuši maz iesaistīti citosakadēmiskos sadarbības tīklos.Papildus, ASA cerarīstiprināt akadēmijas sociālo un politiskoiesaisti, publiski paužot bažas par pagātnes izmantošanu politiskiem mērķiem.Tagad irīstais laiks kļūt par ASA biedru!
Kļūsti par Atmiņu studiju asociācijas biedru!
Kāpēc tev maksāt biedra naudu un kļūt par pilntiesīgu asociācijas biedru? Asociācijas biedriem ir vairākas esošas priekšrocības un tiek plānotas vēl. Tās ietver:
– ikgadējās konferences reģistrācijas maksas atlaides;
– atlaides grāmatām;
– ekskluzīvu pieeju informācijai par darba iespējām un diskusiju forumiem, palīdzību karjeras izaugsmē, mācību materiālu resursus, literatūras ieteikumus un daudz ko citu!
Mums ir liels prieks paziņot, ka ASA ir noslēgusi oficiālu vienošanos ar SAGE izdevniecību un ar žurnāla “Memory Studies” (“Atmiņu studijas”) redaktoriem un turpmāk piedalīsies žurnāla izdošanā. Vienošanās paredz, ka:
– Visi ASA biedri saņems žurnāla elektronisko versiju par brīvu, izmantojot tikai biedriem pieejamu drošu saiti ASA interneta vietnē.
– No 2019.gada februāra žurnāls tiks izdots 6 reizes gadā.
– Katra gada pirmais numurs būs īpašs ASA rediģēts izlaidums.
– No 2018.gada ASA kopsapulcē tiks pasniegta SAGE Atmiņu studiju žurnāla Goda balva pirmo grāmatu autoriem vai līdzautoriem, ASA biedriem.
– Taču līdzās šīm vilinošajām priekšrocībām galvenais iemesls, lai maksātu biedra naudu, ir atbalsts pašas asociācijas pastāvēšanai. Kā jebkura profesionāļu asociācija, ASA var pastāvēt, tikai pateicoties tās biedru atbalstam un uzticībai.
Lūdzu, skatiet zemāk dažādus veidus, kā iesaistīties!
Sponsorētais biedrs (Sponsored Member)
ASA vēlas apvienot pēc iespējas daudzveidīgākus biedrus no visas pasaules. Lai piesaistītu zinātniekus no valstīm ar zemāku vidējo atalgojumu, asociācija izveidojusi iespēju kļūt par sponsorēto biedru. Sponsorētie biedri bez maksas saņem visas tās pašas priekšrocības, ko ierindas biedri. Ja vēlaties izmantot šo iespēju, lūdzu, e-pasta vēstulē izklāstiet iemeslus, kāpēc vēties pievienoties ASA. Vajadzības gadījumā asociācija sedz ceļa izdevumus un tādējādi dod iespēju sponsorētajiem biedriem un studentiem apmeklēt asociācijas saietus.
Pastāvīgais biedrs (Sustaining Member)
Lai nodrošinātu sponsorēto biedru un studentu atbalstu, ASA aicina zinātniekus un praktiķus kļūt par asociācijas pastāvīgajiem biedriem un izvēlēties sev piemērotāku iesaistes apakškategoriju. Tie zinātnieki un praktiķi, kuriem pieejams pētniecības finansējums, ir aicināti kļūt par ASA patroniem (MSA Benefactors). Ar jūsu atļauju ASA vēlētos publiskot asociācijas pastāvīgo biedru un patronu vārdus.
Ja vēlaties papildus atbalstīt asociācijas darbu, varat pievienot ziedojumu summu savai biedra maksai atbilstīgi jums piemērotākajam no zemāk minētajiem iesaistes veidiem.
Students/zinātnieks karjeras sākumposmā/biedrs ar zemiem ienākumiem (Student/Early Career/Lower Income Member)
Studenti, zinātnieki karjeras sākumposmā un zinātnieki un praktiķi ar zemiem ienākumiem var kļūt par biedriem, kam ir pieeja visai biedru sadaļā esošajai informācijai.
Pastāvīgais biedrs-students/zinātnieks karjeras sākumposmā/biedrs ar zemiem ienākumiem (Sustaining Student/Early Career/Lower Income Member)
Šis iesaistes veids nodrošina pieeju visai informācijai, kas pieejama asociācijas mājaslapas biedru sadaļā, kā arī sniedz ieguldījumu asociācijas atbalstam sponsorētajiem biedriem un studentiem un sekmē asociācijas dzīvotspēju un attīstību nākotnē.
Biedrs karjeras vidusposmā (Mid Career Member)
Šis iesaistes veids paredzēts zinātniekiem un praktiķiem karjeras vidusposmā un nodrošina pieeju visai informācijai, kas pieejama asociācijas mājaslapas biedru sadaļā.
Pastāvīgais biedrs karjeras vidusposmā (Sustaining Mid Career Member)
Šis iesaistes veids paredzēts zinātniekiem un praktiķiem karjeras vidusposmā. Tas nodrošina pieeju visai informācijai, kas pieejama asociācijas mājaslapas biedru sadaļā, kā arī sniedz ieguldījumu asociācijas atbalstam sponsorētajiem biedriem un studentiem un sekmē asociācijas dzīvotspēju un attīstību nākotnē.
Vecākais zinātnieks/praktiķis (Senior Scholar/Practitioner)
Šis iesaistes veids paredzēts pieredzējušiem zinātniekiem un praktiķiem un nodrošina pieeju visai informācijai, kas pieejama asociācijas mājaslapas biedru sadaļā.
Pastāvīgs biedrs – vecākais zinātnieks/praktiķis (Sustaining Senior Scholar/Practitioner)
Šis iesaistes veids paredzēts pieredzējušiem zinātniekiem un praktiķiem. Tas nodrošina pieeju visai informācijai, kas pieejama asociācijas mājaslapas biedru sadaļā , kā arī sniedz ieguldījumu asociācijas atbalstam sponsorētajiem biedriem un studentiem un sekmē asociācijas dzīvotspēju un attīstību nākotnē.
ASA Patrons (MSA Benefactor)
Šis iesaistes veids paredzēts asociācijas patroniem un atbalstītājiem. Tas nodrošina pieeju visai asociācijas mājaslapā biedriem pieejamajai informācijai, kā arī sniedz ieguldījumu asociācijas atbalstam sponsorētajiem biedriem un studentiem un sekmē asociācijas dzīvotspēju un attīstību nākotnē.
Translated by İlhan Zeynep Karakılıç, Ph.D. with the help of Ece Aykol, Ph.D.
Hafıza Çalışmaları Derneği
Translated from English by İlhan Zeynep Karakılıç, Ph.D. Bahçeşehir University Department of Sociology with the help of Ece Aykol, Ph.D., Associate Professor Department of English LaGuardia Community College, CUNY
Hafıza Çalışmaları Derneği (HÇD) Nedir?
Hafıza Çalışmaları Derneği, sembolik olarak 3-5 Aralık 2016’da Amsterdam’da gerçekleştirilen ilk konferansta kuruldu. Hukuki kayıt ise 26 Haziran 2017’de gerçekleşti. HÇD hafıza çalışmaları konusunda çalışan akademisyenler kadar; müzelerde, çeşitli hafıza kurumlarında, arşivlerde, sanat ya da diğer alanlarda hatırlama ile ilgili çalışmalarla ilgilenenler için de profesyonel bir dernek olmayı amaçlar. HÇD’nin hedefi, hem yıllık, uluslararası ve disiplinlerarası konferanslarla hem de güçlü bir çevrimiçi mevcudiyetle hafıza alanında en önemli alan olmaktır.
Hafıza çalışmaları son on yılda oldukça büyüdü; fakat henüz farklı disiplinlerden ve mesleki alanlardan gelen insanların fikirlerini paylaşabileceği ve birbirlerinin teorik, metodolojik ve amprik yaklaşımlarını öğrenebileceği açıkça berlirlenmiş fazla zemin mevcut değil. Dahası, hatırlama ile ilgili soruların tüm dünyada araştırılmasına rağmen, soruların sorulduğu yerler arasında çok az etkileşim ve dolayısıyla anlama eksikliği var. Mevcut bilimsel ağlarda yeterli düzeyde temsil edilmeyen bilim insanlarını ve uygulayıcıları etkin bir şekilde belirleyip, davet ederek bu durumu değiştirmeyi umuyoruz. Nihayetinde, HÇD, politik ve kamusal sorumluluk sahibi bilimsel çalışmaları destekleyerek geçmişin politik amaçlı kullanımları konusundaki kaygılarına ses vermeyi etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Şimdi HÇD’ne üye olmanın zamanı!
Hafıza Çalışmaları Derneği Konferansı’nın ilki olan “Geçmişin Geleceğini Düşünmek“ 3-5 Aralık 2016’da Amsterdam’da hafıza çalışmaları alanında Michael Rothberg, Astrid Erll, Ann Rigney, Daniel Levy, Jan Kubik, Erica Lehrer, William Hirst, Siobhan Kattago, Jeffrey Olick, Wulf Kansteiner ve Vered Vinitzky-Seroussi gibi pek çok önemli ismi ağırlayarak gerçekleşti. Bu konferansta pek çok farklı disiplinden tanınmış bilim insanlarının katıldığı üç yuvarlak masa toplantısı, on üç panel ve iki tane de profesonel gelişim etkinliği yer aldı.
İkinci konferans ise 14-17 Aralık 2017’de Kopenhag’da, Marianne Hirsch, Jan Gross, Joshua Oppenheimer, Astrid Erll, Ann Rigney, Carol Gluck, Patrick Hutton, Paco Ferrandiz gibi ana konuşmacıların katılımıyla gerçekleştirildi. 77 oturum ve yuvarlak masa toplatısı, 8 hızlı oturum ve 69 poster sunumu ile konferans; anıtlar, müzeler, hafıza politikası ve yönetimi, hafıza ve aktivizm, dijital devrim, medya, sanat ve edebiyat, travma, hafıza ve psikoloji, göç, toplumsal cinsiyet ve hafıza, hafıza yerleri ve mekanları gibi hafıza çalışmalarındaki önemli konulara değindi.
Üçüncü Hafıza Çalışmaları Derneği Konferansı ise 27-29 Haziran 2019’da Madrid’de gerçekleşecek. Sizi de aramızda görmek için sabırsızlanıyoruz.
Hafıza Çalışmaları Derneğine Üye Olun
Dikkat: Kayıt sayfası ve üyelere özel sayfalar İngilizce’dir.
Neden Hafıza Çalışmaları Derneği’ne üye olmalısınız? Üye olmanın yenileri de eklenecek olan pek çok somut faydası var. Bunlar:
– yıllık konferanslara indirimli ücretle katılım
– kitaplarda indirim
– İş ilanları, tartışma forumları, kariyer önerileri, eğitim kaynakları, okuma önerileri ve daha pek çok üyelere özel alana erişim
HÇD’nin SAGE ve Memory Studies’in editörleri ile bir anlaşmaya vardığını duyurmaktan mutluluk duyuyoruz. Buna göre, dergi bundan sonra HÇD ile birlikte yaynlanacak. Yani, Tüm HÇD üyeleri dergiye HÇD’nin web sayfasındaki korumalı bir bağlantı sayesinde ücretsiz ulaşabilecek. Şubat 2019’dan itibaren dergi yılda altı sayı olarak çıkacak
Her yılın ilk sayısı HÇD ile birlikte hazırlanan özel sayı olacak. 2018‘den itibaren, HÇD üyelerince bireysel ya da ortaklaşa yazılan kitaplar için SAGE Journal of Memory Studies Öne Çıkan Kitap Ödülü verilecek ve ödül HÇD Yıllık Toplantısı’nda takdim edilecek. Dernek HÇD Yıllık Toplantısı’nda sunulan en iyi sunuma bir ödül verecek ve yazarın isterse sunumunu bir makaleye dönüştürerek Memory Studies’de yayınlama fırsatı olacak. Ama, bu somut faydaların çekiciliği kadar, üye olmak için asıl sebep HÇD’nin var olmasına katkı sağlamaktır. Diğer profesyonel dernekler gibi HÇD de üyelerinin destek ve özverisine ihtiyaç duymaktadır.
Lütfen aşağıdaki farklı üyelik seçeneklerini gözden geçiriniz.
Destekli Üyelik
HÇD dünyanın her yerinden üye arzulamakta ve bu yüzden düşük gelirli ülkelerdeki akademisyen ve uygulayıcıları destekli üye olmaya davet etmektedir. Destekli üyelik, desteklenen üyenin maliyetsiz bir şekilde üyeliğin tüm avantajlardan faydalanmasını sağlar. Destekli üye olmak için, lütfen bize bu tür üyeliğe başvurma sebebinizi açıklayan bir e- posta yollayın. Ayrıca, HÇD özellikle desteklenen üyelere ve öğrenci üyelere, HÇD etkinliklerine katılmaları için seyahat hibesi de sunacaktır.
Destekleyici Üyelik
Desteklenen üyelikler ve seyahat hibelerine kaynak sağlayabilmek için, HÇD akademisyen ve uygulayıcıları destekleyici üye olmaya davet eder. Araştırma fonlarına ulaşabilen akademisyen ve uygulayıcılar HÇD Destekçisi olmayı düşünebilir. Izin vermeniz durumunda HÇD Destekleyici Üye ve Destekçi olarak isminizi de yayınlamak isteriz.
Eğer üyelik aidatınıza ek olarak bağış da yapmak isterseniz, aşağıdaki alternatif üyelik seçeneklerini değerlendirebilirsiniz.
Öğrenci/Kariyerinin Başındaki/ Düşük Gelirli Üye
Bu üyelik, öğrenciler, kariyerinin başındaki üyeler ve düşük gelirli üyeler içindir ve üyelere özel tüm alanlara erişim sağlar.
Destek Veren Öğrenci/Kariyerinin Başındaki/Düşük Gelirli Üye
Bu üyelik, destek veren öğrenciler, kariyerinin başındaki akademisyenler ve uygulayıcılar ile düşük gelirli üyeler içindir. Bu üyelik, üyelere özel tüm alanlara erişim sağlamanın yanında, derneğin de desteklenen üyelikler, öğrenci seyahat fonları ve uzun dönemli planlar gibi faaliyetlerini sürdürmesini sağlar.
Kariyerinin Ortasındaki Üyeler
Bu üyelik kariyerinin ortasındaki akademisyen ve uygulayıcılar için üyelere özel tüm alanlara erişim sağlar.
Destek Veren Kariyerinin Ortasındaki Üye
Bu üyelik, destek veren üye olmak isteyen kariyerinin ortasındaki akademisyen ve uygulayıcılar içindir. Bu üyelik, üyelere özel tüm alanlara erişim sağlamanın yanında, derneğin de desteklenen üyelikler, öğrenci seyahat fonları ve uzun dönemli planlar gibi faaliyetlerini sürdürmesini sağlar.
Kıdemli Akademisyen/Uygulayıcı
Kıdemli Akdemisyen/uygulayıcılar için üyelere özel tüm alanlara erişim sağlayan bir üyeliktir.
Destek Veren Kıdemli Akademisyen/Uygulayıcı
Bu üyelik, destek veren üye olmak isteyen kıdemli akademisyen ve uygulayıcılar içindir. Bu üyelik, üyelere özel tüm alanlara erişim sağlamanın yanında, derneğin de desteklenen üyelikler, öğrenci seyahat fonları ve uzun dönemli planlar gibi faaliyetlerini sürdürmesini sağlar.
HÇD Destekçisi
Bu üyelik, üyelere özel tüm alanlara erişim sağlamanın yanında, derneğin de desteklenen üyelikler, öğrenci seyahat fonları ve uzun dönemli planlar gibi faaliyetlerini sürdürmesini sağlar.
Translated by Chijioke Onah
Gbasara otu ndi MSA
Ihe ọmụmụ ncheta etoola kemgb eọtụtụ afọ, mana ọe nwebeghi otu ebe a rụrụ aka na ha ga na-anọkọ maka ndị si na ntọala ọkacha mara na ngalaba dị iche iche iji nwee ohere tụgharịa uche banyere ọtụtụ ihe ma sikwa n’aka ibe ha mụta atụmatụ na ụzọ ndị ọzọ dị na ya bụihe ọmụmụ.Ọzọkwa, ana eme ezigbo nyocha n’akụkụ ụwa ni ile n’ajụjụ ndị gbara ihe ncheta gburugburu, mana anaghị enwe mkparita ụka buru ibu (nke mere na nghọta anaghịadị) n’etiti ebe dịiche iche. Anyị na-atu anya ịgbanwe nke a site n’ịchọpụta ma kpọkuo ndị ọkacha mara na ndị maara ihe ekwe na-akụ bụ́ ndị anọchitebeghi anya ha nke ọma n’ọwa ozi ọmụmụ dịbu adị.
By Laws
Memory Studies Association By-Laws
I. Mission Statement: The Memory Studies Association (MSA) aims to provide a gathering space for developing, discussing and exchanging ideas about the methodologies, theories, and results of memory studies; to become the central forum for scholars from around the world and across disciplines who are interested in memory studies; and to further establish and extend the status of memory studies as a field, institutionalizing it in a way that is able to provide fundamental knowledge about the importance and function of memories in the public and private realm.
Our specific ambitions include the following:
— to move beyond the Euro/Anglo centrism that has underwritten the development of the field. We thus aim to bring scholars from different regions to the table.
— to draw in practitioners, artists, and policy-makers, making the MSA a forum not only for scholarly debate, but one through which scholars can make connections to more practical realms, and practitioners and producers of memory can be informed about the state of the art in memory scholarship.
— to explore the possibilities for, and limits on, genuinely interdisciplinary work and cross-disciplinary exchange, for instance by continuing to work on exploring the boundaries between social/cultural concepts of memory and psychological/neurological ones.
— to attract, build bridges to, and offer a home for our existing “sister fields,” such as heritage studies, oral history, transitional justice, archival studies.
— to represent the interests of memory studies as a community of professionals including offering professional development activities and career boosting services.
— to increase the visibility of memory studies with both state-based and private funders of academic research and community outreach, as well as with publishers.
— to offer our expertise on memory political concerns as they arise in public affairs and ethical debates.
II. Governance
1. Officers: Following an initial founding period (ending June 2021), the association will have a rotating system consisting of a President-Elect, President, and Past President, who are each elected for three years according to a staggered system that allows for annual rotation.
Each year 1) a new President-Elect is elected, 2) the previous President-Elect becomes President, and 3) the previous President becomes Past President. Specific tasks will be divided out among the presidents with the President assuming the role of chair of the Executive committee. This rotational system ensures greater continuity, while also giving the President-Elect time to gain experience in their role before taking on the role of President. Former presidents may stand for re-election after an interval of three years.
The officers govern the association in close consultation with the other members of the Executive Committee. The presidents represent the association in external business, implement the decisions of the general meeting and the Executive Committee, and determine the intellectual course of the association. The officers also set the agenda and conduct the meetings of the general membership, the advisory board, and the Executive Committee.
2. Executive Committee: The Executive Committee (EC) is the decision-making body of the association. It consists of the three presidents and six additional elected members. The six additional members are elected according to a rotating system where two new members are elected every year for a three-year period. This rotational system aims to enhance the continuity within the Executive, while also providing a mechanism for regular recruitment. Members of the Executive may stand for re-election after an interval of three years.
The Executive Committee administers the finances of the association and develops the policies and rules of the association, including membership fees and suggestions for bylaw amendments. The Executive Committee also determines the composition of the Advisory Board and the number and the composition of the Standing Committees of the association.
2a. Secretary & Treasurer: The Executive Committee will appoint a secretary to the EC and an MSA treasurer from among its members; the secretary will hold the position for 2 years; the treasurer for 3 years. An EC member may fulfil these positions more than once.
3. Advisory Board: The composition of the Advisory Board (AB) should reflect the interdisciplinary and international profile of the field, providing the Executive Committee with a wide range of professional perspectives and expertise. Advisory Board members are expected to support the work of the association especially with regard to outreach, mentoring of young scholars, and the tasks delegated to the Standing Committees of the association. The Advisory Board meets in the context of the association’s yearly conference.
4. Financial Audit Committee: Each two years candidates can nominate themselves for a Financial Committee that the General Meeting will elect from among the members, consisting of two persons who may not be on the Executive Committee. The Financial Committee must audit the balance sheets and the statement of income and expenditure of the association and must report its findings to the General Meeting.
5. Ethics Committee: The Ethics Committee acts on the basis of the MSA Code of Conduct. It is in charge of arbitration in case of conflicts between MSA members. More fundamentally, it contributes to the evolution of the MSA Code of Conduct, building a body of rules through precedents. It also makes statements and recommendations on ethical issues and provides some guidance for researchers and practitioners belonging to the Memory Studies community. The MSA Ethics Committee has one member representing the Executive Committee and six individuals drawn from the general membership (of which at least two are PhD students). Any MSA member is eligible to run. Half of the Ethics Committee members are replaced annually.
6. Nominations & Regulations Committee: The Executive Committee will appoint a four-member Nominations & Regulations Committee (NRC) according to a two-year cycle, with clear guidelines for generating nominations. The Nominations & Regulations Committee will elect one of its members to serve as chair.
7. General Membership: Membership is open to anybody who supports the goals of the association. All members either pay annual dues or hold the status of sponsored members.
7a. Membership categories:
Student/Post-doc/Low Income Membership: Students, Postdocs and early career practitioners, and self-employed or employed persons with low salaries or limited resources are invited to join the association at a significantly reduced membership rate.
Mid-Career Membership: the regular membership rate for academics and practitioners who are permanently employed and for self-employed persons with similar resources.
Senior Scholar/Practitioner Membership: the regular membership rate for academics and practitioners who are paid at or near the top of their respective pay scale and for self-employed persons with similar resources.
Sustaining Membership: all members are encouraged to become sustaining members in their respective membership category thus providing the association with additional resources to fund its programs including sponsored memberships and MSA conference travel grants.
Benefactor Membership: a membership category for those who are particularly able and eager to support the development and activities of the association (for instance by purchasing a benefactor membership through their research accounts).
Sponsored Membership: people interested in joining the association for whom the reduced Student/Early Career/Low Income Membership rate constitutes a substantial financial burden are encouraged to apply to the Executive Committee to become sponsored members. Sponsored members do not pay dues but hold all privileges of MSA membership.
8. Standing Committees: Membership in Standing Committees is determined by the Executive Committee. All Standing Committees have at least one member who is also a member of the Executive Committee. At the moment the association has the following standing committees: Fundraising, Outreach, Website & Communications, PhD/Early-Career Development, Publications, Rules & Nominations.
9. Working Groups: The MSA has a number of Working Groups on specific topics. Each Working Group is led by three chairs. All members of a Working Group have to be members of the MSA and either pay annual dues or hold the status of sponsored members. Working Groups can meet independently from the MSA but need to comply to the MSA Code of Conduct and the Guidelines for Working Groups, Regional Groups and National Networks.
10. Regional Groups: The MSA is organised in several regional groups (e.g. MSA Asia, MSA Scandinavia). Each Regional Group is led by three chairs. All members of a Regional Group have to be members of the MSA and either pay annual dues or hold the status of sponsored members. Regional Groups can meet independently from the MSA but need to comply to the MSA Code of Conduct and the Guidelines for Working Groups, Regional Groups and National Networks.
11. National Networks: The MSA is organised in several national networks (i.e. MSA Poland). Each National Network is led by three chairs. All members of a National Network have to be members of the MSA and either pay annual dues or hold the status of sponsored members. Regional Groups can meet independently from the MSA but need to comply to the MSA Code of Conduct and the Guidelines for Working Groups, Regional Groups and National Networks.
III. Conferences: The association aims at holding at least one conference each year dedicated to the distribution of research, reflections on teaching and public history practices, and career development. The location of the conference should rotate on a global scale and the call for papers and the program of the conference should reflect the interdisciplinary range of the field. The conference is organized by the Conference Committee in cooperation with the Executive Committee.
IV. General Meeting: The presidents call a General Meeting at the association’s conference and report to the membership about the development of the association. Moreover, whenever possible, all nominations, bylaw amendments, and significant policy changes are discussed at the meeting. The general meeting is conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order.
V. Elections: The MSA will use an online voting system and hold the elections in advance of the annual General Meeting. The elections will be held through a system of online voting, and candidates for election will present themselves to the members of the MSA through an online video message. This allows the online voting to precede the annual conference so that the General Meeting becomes an occasion for presenting the new President-Elect and new members of the Executive and, ideally, for the new officers to meet in person—perhaps together with the outgoing President and EC members. Those nominated will be expected to present themselves to the membership in the form of a video as well as in a written biographical sketch and statement of motivation.
Elections will be held every year for a new President-Elect and for two new members of the Executive Committee.
1. Guidelines for Nominations: For each election, a number of nominations will be generated annually both from the membership at large (members may nominate themselves or other colleagues) and through the NRC in consultation with the Executive and the NRC itself.
The NRC will present annually a minimum of two and a maximum of three candidates for the position of President-Elect; and a minimum of three and a maximum of five candidates for the two positions in the Executive Committee. All those nominated will be asked to indicate their willingness to go forward for election. The NRC is charged with taking into account questions of diversity related to discipline and region, as well as to gender, race, and sexuality when making nominations. Nominations for the Executive Committee should also consider career stage, and as well as encourage participation from practitioners.
VI. Amendments: Amendments to the bylaws can be proposed by the Executive Committee, a majority of the general meeting, or 15% of the association’s membership. All suggested bylaw amendments are put to a vote to the general membership within six months as long as they comply with applicable public law and tax rules. All members in good standing may participate in the election. A simple majority of cast ballots suffices for qualified amendments to be adopted.
VII. Dissolution: The decision to dissolve the association requires a two-thirds majority in the Executive Committee followed by a simple majority of the membership. Remaining assets should be transferred to another association with goals and tax status similar to the MSA’s.