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Media Coverage
More than 60 media outlets (newspaper, radio and TV) reported on the MSA2019 Madrid conference. Check out the media coverage below
Date | Title | Mass Media | Topic |
07/06/2019 | Madrid, capital of memory | Tercera Información | Madrid will host the world’s largest conference on memory studies. More than 1300 specialists will talk about topics such as digital memory, climate memory and the memory of migrations. |
09/06/2019 | Madrid will host the world’s largest memorial conference. | La Vanguardia | More than 1,300 specialists from all over the world will gather in Madrid for the third Conference of the ‘Memory Studies Association’, which will deal with topics such as digital memory, climate memory and the memory of migrations. |
09/06/2019 | Madrid will host the largest conference in the world of memory | ABC | More than 1,300 specialists from all over the world will gather in Madrid for the third Conference of the ‘Memory Studies Association’, which will deal with topics such as digital memory, climate memory and the memory of migrations. |
21/06/2019 | More than 1,600 researchers and world experts in historical memory gather next week in Madrid | europa press | On the 80th anniversary of the end of the Spanish Civil War, more than 1,600 researchers, museum directors, journalists and writers gather in Madrid to discuss issues related to memory understood broadly. |
22/06/2019 | Madrid hosts this week the world’s largest conference on historical memory, with 1,500 experts from 45 countries |
23/06/2019 | The Power of Protest | El País | An ambitious cartographic research in today’s Europe the footprints of the social movements that have culturally shaped our societies |
24/06/2019 | Cádiz will be represented at the International Memory Conference | Andalucía Información | Cádiz is represented by a panel of specialists at the Conference. The colloquium will be entitled ‘Recuperando las voces de la memoria popular de la represión franquista en Cádiz’. |
24/06/2019 | The world’s largest conference on memory kicks off in Madrid | El Salto | With 1,300 speakers, the event is the largest ever held on memory studies in the world. |
24/06/2019 | The rise of memory studies visits Madrid | eldiario.es | More than 1,300 specialists will discuss topics such as digital memory, climate memory and the memory of migrations. |
24/06/2019 | Madrid hosts this week the world’s largest conference on historical memory, with 1,500 experts from 45 countries | europa press | The conference, which will be the most important scientific meeting in the world on this subject, will offer a broad perspective for recovering elements of world historical memory. |
24/06/2019 | Madrid, world capital of historical memory: does only Spain want to forget? | El Español | The conference will address the theme of historical memory from an interdisciplinary point of view. |
24/06/2019 | Madrid hosts the largest conference on memory studies in the world | La Vanguardia | One of the central themes of the conference is the connection between different memory traditions from different parts of the world. |
25/06/2019 | The largest international conference on ‘memory’ kicks off in Madrid: “Comparing Spain and other countries builds us all”. | eldiario.es | Among the highlights of the conference is digital memory, the relationship between memory and climate change or non-Western conceptions of memory, among many others. |
25/06/2019 | Astrid Erll: “Memory means making sense of time.” | La Marea | Interview with Astrid Erll |
25/06/2019 | World Memory Conference warns of growing right-wing extremism | La Vanguardia | The Conference was inaugurated in Madrid with warnings about the growth of the extreme right and the fight against historical memory. |
25/06/2019 | Madrid, the Memory Capital of the World | Público | Memory as a study of the way in which as a society we relate in the present with our past and which has a projection into the future. |
25/06/2019 | 3rd. Annual Memory Studies Association Conference | CSIC | More than 1,600 researchers, museum directors, journalists, writers and writers gather this week in Madrid to discuss issues related to memory. |
26/06/2019 | A thousand researchers meet in Madrid to tackle the study of memory, from historical to digital. | CSIC | Investigation of memory from multiple approaches.
Historical memory, digital memory; the relationship between memory and climate change; non-Western conceptions of memory. |
26/06/2019 | International Brigades Return to University City Trenches | El Español | Exhibition at Casa de Velázquez remembers the volunteers who fought for the Republic. |
26/06/2019 | Madrid, capital of memory | El País | More than 1,500 specialists meet at the world’s largest conference on the management of the traumatic past, from the Balkan war to Rwanda or the Republican exile. |
26/06/2019 | More than 200 experts in historical memory visit this Saturday the Valley of the Fallen: “Franco commands much from his tomb”. | El Periódico | More than 200 experts in historical memory will visit the Valley of the Fallen in a commission headed by researcher Francisco Ferrándiz and is part of the Conference organized by the Memory Studies Association. |
26/06/2019 | The “ungovernable memory” of the Republican exile |
26/06/2019 | Memories of the future | Climática (La Marea) | Ecological decline leaves its mark on the human psyche, producing traumas from events that have not yet occurred. |
26/06/2019 | Aleida Assmann: “The policy of forgetting is not a solution”. | El País | Aleida Assmann affirms that silence is no guarantee of peace in post-dictatorial societies. |
26/06/2019 | More than 200 experts in historical memory will visit the Valley of the Fallen | Madrid press | More than 200 experts in historical memory will visit the Valley of the Fallen in a commission headed by researcher Francisco Ferrándiz and is part of the Conference organized by the Memory Studies Association. |
26/06/2019 | 200 experts will visit the Valley of the Fallen: “Franco commands a lot from his grave.” | El Plural | More than 200 experts in historical memory will visit the Valley of the Fallen in a commission headed by researcher Francisco Ferrándiz and is part of the Conference organized by the Memory Studies Association. |
26/06/2019 | Madrid hosts the third edition of the Memory Studies Association Conference | Ministry of Justice (news) | More than 1,600 researchers, museum directors, journalists, writers and writers gather this week in Madrid to discuss issues related to memory. |
27/06/2019 | These are Spain’s outstanding accounts with historical memory (and the PP knows it) | El Español | A group of experts debate at the conference on the historical memory held in Madrid on the duties that Spain has with its past. |
27/06/2019 | Artists refuse to lose women’s memory | El País | A group of women has been working since 2014 to recover a feminist story and incorporate it into the official historical story. |
28/06/2019 | The voices of the Rwandan genocide, 25 years later | El País | The documentary The Faces We Lost (2017) and the book of testimonies of surviving women From Surviving to Living: Voice, Trauma and Witness in Rwandan Women’s Writing focus the closing of the conference of memory. |
29/06/2019 | The lessons we must learn from Latin America to build democratic memory | La Marea | Latin America has been decades ahead in terms of studies on memory and the impact of its dictatorships on the collective imaginary of its societies. |
29/06/2019 | “Foreign investigators don’t give credit to what’s in the Valley of the Fallen.” | Público | More than 200 experts in historical memory visit this Saturday the tomb of Franco as one of the activities of the Conference organized by the Memory Studies Association |
29/06/2019 | More than 200 experts in historical memory visit this Saturday the Valley of the Fallen: “Franco commands much from his tomb”. | El Periódico | More than 200 experts in historical memory will visit today Saturday the Valley of the Fallen in a commission headed by researcher Francisco Ferrándiz and is part of the Conference organized by the Memory Studies Association |
30/06/2019 | Aleida Assmann, historian: “In Germany no one in a party could make any reference to Hitler, it would be suicide”. | eldiario.es | Interview with Aleida Assmann |
30/06/2019 | Marianne Hirsch: “Revision of the past allows us a fairer future.” | Público | Marianne Hirsch proposes a collective revision of memory that considers individual and social aspects, their differences, mediations and meeting points. |
01/07/2019 | Francisco Ferrándiz: “Memory studies are basic in the construction of identities”. | Noticias de Navarra | Interview with Francisco Ferrándiz |
02/07/2019 | Visits to the Valley of the Fallen increased 53% in the first half of the year over the same period in 2018. | Tribuna de Zamora | More than 200 experts in historical memory will visit the Valley of the Fallen in a commission headed by researcher Francisco Ferrándiz and is part of the Conference organized by the Memory Studies Association. |
03/07/2019 | Paralysis of Franco’s exhumation slows down the rise of visitors to the Valley of the Fallen | ABC | More than 200 experts in historical memory visited this weekend the Valley of the Fallen in a commission, framed within the Conference organized by the Memory Studies Association. |
06/07/2019 | Madrid, the capital (which could have been) of Memory | Público | A predominantly academic conference, with the central objectives of promoting a better knowledge and involvement of the non-western epistemologies of the past. It also promotes cooperation between English and Spanish-speaking Memory specialists. |
09/07/2019 | “Memory is a matter of collective health.” | ctxt | Interview with Marianne Hirsch (post-memory term) |
16/07/2019 | “You can’t think of the democratic rupture in Portugal without thinking of the colonial war.” | ctxt | Interview with Miguel Cardina |
22/07/2019 | From Vietnamese refugee to Pulitzer Prize winner, the writer who embraced his traumatic past | El País | Viet Thanh Nguyen reflects on the need to deal with memory and on the difficulties of immigrants in the US in Trump’s time. |
Date | Program | Mass Media | Topic |
25/06/2019 | “The Complutense hosts the largest conference on Memory Studies” | RNE | The Complutense University of Madrid is hosting the world’s largest conference on Memory Studies, with more than 1300 specialists debating topics such as digital memory, climate memory and the memory of migrations. |
25/06/2019 | Madrid hosts the world’s largest conference on Memory Studies | COPE | One of the main themes of this conference, which will have more than 1300 papers, is the connection between different memory traditions from different parts of the world. |
25/06/2019 | Hoy por Hoy | SER | Inauguration in Madrid of the largest conference on the memory of the world |
26/06/2019 | “Madrid hosts the world’s largest conference on historical memory.” | Onda Cero | Elisabeth Jelin and Lidia Mateo Leivas have been on the Julia en la onda program to talk about the Conference organized by the Memory Studies Association. |
28/06/2019 | “Historical memory, maybe it’s not good that we forget what we were.” | RNE | The macro Conference held at the Complutense University ends in Madrid, which has addressed one of the pillars of humanity, namely: memory, which has stolen wars and conflicts; climate; history; how it is taught; how it is not even thought. |
28/06/2019 | Historical memory in debate | SER Catalonia | The exhumation of Franco’s corpse brings the historical memory back into debate. Something about what has been discussed at the most important world conference on memory studies where more than 1,500 specialists from all over the world participate. |
29/06/2019 | “The memory mutils” | SER | Interview with Claudia Feld, Valentina Salvi and Marina Franco about Historical Memory in Argentina. |
29/06/2019 | “Environmental trauma and memory to prevent the damage of climate change” | SER | Interview with Stef Craps about the concept of ‘ecotrauma’, the ecological pain suffered by people due to anxiety about the apocalyptic scenario that is predicted because of climate change. |
29/06/2019 | The “environmental trauma” of climate change | SER | Talk with Stef Craps, about ‘climate trauma’, ‘pre-traumatic stress’, ‘climate anxiety’ or ‘climate nostalgia’ that explain the mental health consequences of the problems generated by climate change. |
29/06/2019 | What to do with street gangs? | SER | The Transgang project seeks to get young people to abandon violence by taking advantage of the best of their own bands, such as music. |
30/06/2019 | Federico Mayor Zaragoza: “Democracy is coexistence in diversity, leaving aside the disputes for flags”. | Onda Cero | Interview with Federico Mayor Zaragoza |
02/07/2019 | “The Memory of Cologne Dignity” | RNE | Anthropologist Loreto López explains the ins and outs of Colonia Dignidad, the sect that was closely linked to the Pinochet regime, during the Memory Studies Conference held a few days ago in Madrid. |
04/07/2019 | City Rights and Memory | M21 | A program dedicated to learning how to construct the historical memory of a war or a dictatorship by talking to references in the field of the dictatorships of the Southern Cone, which had the Franco regime as a model, in order to collect lessons that could be applied to the Spanish case. |
11/07/2019 | HISTORICAL MEMORY – VOLLMEYER – HRISTOVA – “CENTRAL ISSUE” | RNE | The program deals with historical memory, following the recent holding in Madrid of the third annual conference of the Memory Studies Association. We discussed this issue with Johanna Vollmeyer and Marije Hristova. |
Date | Program | Mass Media | Topic |
26/06/2019 | “The Complutense hosts the world’s largest conference of historical memory” | Telemadrid | Ethnic cleansing in the Balkans, those disappeared during the Argentinean dictatorship, Apartheid in South Africa are three of the historical dramas that are being addressed by more than 1500 international experts in the largest world conference dedicated to Memory. |
26/06/2019 | “Experts defend the importance of keeping memory alive in the face of the rise of the extreme right.” | La sexta | More than 1,700 experts discuss the importance of maintaining memory, not only here, but in all countries that have experienced civil conflict. |
01/07/2019 | “Argentina, a reference in Memory: we talked to Alejandra Naftal” | PúblicoTV | In Argentina the processes of memory were worked from the consensus and in the explanation that it is necessary to visit the past to consolidate the present. |
02/07/2019 | En Jake | eitb | More than 1,500 researchers gather this week in Madrid to discuss issues related to memory. |
12/07/2019 | El mundo en 24 horas | RTVE | The importance of preserving memory |