XLIX Simposio de Historia y Antropología
“Memorias e identidades. Diálogos entre la Historia y la Antropología”
Del 15 al 19 de abril de 2024 en Hermosillo, Sonora
The Department of History and Anthropology of the University of Sonora in collaboration with the academic body Linguistic-typological studies in languages
indigenous and minority groups from the Department of Literature and Linguistics, University of Bonn, the Permanent Seminar on Contemporary History and the Present Time of the Institute of José María Luis Mora Research, The College of Sonora, the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH Sonora Center) and the Sonoran History Society.
CALL to historians and anthropologists, social researchers, academic bodies, chroniclers and interested in History, Anthropology and Social Sciences to participate in the XLIX Symposium of History and Anthropology “Memories and identities. Dialogues between History and Anthropology” Identity struggles constitute one of the most obvious features of the first decades of the 21st century, where claims for territory, ethnicity, language and gender; its recognition and incorporation into the political agenda is a problem. It cannot be postponed and deserves immediate and comprehensive responses.
As an example of the above, researchers have accompanied the steep itinerary of social movements; some of them, conceived from the horizontality and grounded in memory and have tried to put them in the foreground academic. However, its visibility and understanding are far from being a completed task and, In this sense, we consider that historiography and anthropology offer us a perspective, at the same time, diachronic and synchronic, theoretical and heuristic capable of restoring the condition of subject to what had been prefigured as an object (Michel de Certeau) and also capable of situate ourselves at the disciplinary intersections to offer us, from that angle of observation unpublished, new narratives about and from memory. For all this, critical analysis regarding studies of the identity and memory from a historical and anthropological perspective through intellectual operation that accounts for a communicated past, which is constantly susceptible to being criticized, reworked and reinterpreted, thus constructing a new narrative. In this way, the themes of the symposium invite us to cover various periods, subjects and spaces. At the same time, they propose opening lines of interaction between the different
The Symposium will take place from April 15 to 19, 2024 in Hermosillo, Sonora, under the following bases:
1. The presentations must analyze the following topics:
A. Theoretical and methodological approaches to the uses of memory.
B. Places of memory: museums, buildings, monuments and educational spaces.
C. Memory, social movements and political actors.
D. Memory, identity and territory
E. Memory, recollection and imagination.
F. Memory, agency and resistance: indigenous peoples and the formation of their identities.
G. Public disputes over memory and public uses of the past.
H. Historical consciousness: theoretical-conceptual reflections and teaching-learning strategies.
I. Symbolic appreciations and language.
J. Sources and use of new technologies.
2. For registration, a summary of the presentation must be sent with a minimum length of 300 words and your abbreviated resume (maximum one page), no later than January 22 from 2024 to the following link: https://simposio.unison.mx/-registration
3. Academic Bodies, Networks or Groups may register at special thematic tables of Research who wish to present the products of their research.
4. The summary of the presentation will be evaluated by the review committee, and if accepted, You will be notified no later than February 5, 2024.
5. The deadline for registration and registration payment is February 20, 2024.
6. If the proposal is accepted, you must send the paper (length of 2500-3000 words) to the email simposio@sociales.uson.mx no later than March 5, 2024.
7. The time available for the presentation will be 15 minutes.
8. Result of participation in the Symposium, the Organizing Committee will coordinate the edition of a collective book, the content of which will be submitted to a ruling process to guarantee the academic quality of the work.
Check out the symposium’s website and the original call for papers translated from Spanish: