MSA Mentorship Programme

Call for Mentors

As you may have heard, the MSA recently relaunched its MSA Mentorship Programme, where we provide assistance to junior memory scholars (and those who would like to move into practice-oriented fields) by matching them with more experienced colleagues. The MSA is currently seeking volunteers who may fit into this latter category: if you are a mid-career or senior scholar, and/or feel like your experience in the field of memory studies could help others, reach out! You can fill in this form with your expertise and mentorship style, and we’ll get back to you in January about your match with an early-career scholar.

The larger goal of the MSA Mentorship Program is to build a more supportive environment and culture within the memory studies community. The MSA regards its role as facilitator of mentorship relationships: we provide guidelines, advice, and mentorship agreement templates and help match mentors with mentees. Beyond this, the responsibility for building a productive mentorship relationship is yours! You can read more about the programme and its goals here.

If you are interested, or have any questions or suggestions, you can email us at