Call for Articles: “Nationalism(s) in the 21st Century”

The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series, Issue 1/2025

Deadline for submissions: March 31st 2025.

The editorial team of The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series invites you to submit articles for issue 1/2025. The topic is: Nationalism(s) in the 21st Century

The Polish Journal of the Arts and Culture. New Series is a peer-reviewed academic journal devoted to in-depth reflection on broadly understood culture – its nature, the processes that transform it in the past and today, as well as the forms it takes and has taken in various circles of civilisation.

In the planned volume, we invite you to ponder on the contemporary contexts of nationalism and its manifestations in various cultures, societies, and countries. Rather than theoretical studies on various perspectives on nationalism, the focus of the volume will be specific manifestations of nationalisms in the first quarter of the 21st century.

With this in mind, the editors of the volume invite you to consider, in particular, the following issues:

  • nationalism across the political spectrum, across cultures and societies,
  • nationalism in the mass media (television, press, new media),
  • banal (everyday) nationalism,
  • nationalism as an element of group and individual identity,
  • nationalism in literature, film, theatre, TV series, games, series, and other cultural texts,
  • nationalism in science,
  • the border between patriotism and nationalism,
  • nationalism in the era of populism,
  • right-wing or left-wing nationalism,
  • contemporary nationalist movements,
  • aesthetics related to nationalism,
  • nationalism in sports,
  • culinary nationalism,
  • nationalism and propaganda,
  • ethnic nationalism vs. civilian nationalism,
  • nationalism in language and the language of nationalism,
  • memory politics in national and international contexts and tensions between them,
  • nationalism and religion,
  • nationalism, esotericism, and new religious movements,
  • nationalism and racism,
  • nationalism in economics,
  • case studies of specific manifestations of nationalism.

Regardless of those mentioned, the editorial office is open to other topics that fall within the presented Call For Papers. If you have any doubts, we encourage you to consult the proposed topics with the Editors of the volume.

Due to the specific theme of the volume and the profile of the journal, texts adopting a cultural studies or anthropological perspective, which go beyond the European context, or offer a comparative perspective, are particularly welcome. Regardless of the topic, proposed articles should refer to contemporary manifestations of nationalism – the historical perspective may be included as a context but should not constitute the main theme of the text.

Cross-sectional studies have a chance of being published only if they refer to current manifestations of nationalism or propose new readings or approaches to known concepts.

Please send texts in English only and in electronic form to, taking into account the formal requirements posted on the journal’s website, in the ‘Instruction for Authors’ tab. In the title of your email please write PJAC.NS 1/2025. In a separate document please write your name, affiliation and ORCID number (if available). The main article should not mention any of the author(s)’ names.

The deadline for submitting articles for issue 1/2025 is March 31st 2025.

Articles that do not meet the formal or thematic requirements will not be accepted. The editorial office reserves the right to contact only the authors of texts accepted for the review process.